Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Maegan Butterfield Nick name: Maeggy Joe 12yrs. Birthday: Sept. 6th
Hobbies: Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Basketball
Color: Lime Green Food: Chicken Alfredo & Breadsticks
Song: So What Group: Pink Movie: Enchanted & Dark Knight
Book: Clique
My Hero: My sister Shalyn
When I grow up I: Want to be an Artist
My Goals are: To become a great gymnast, go to college
I really dislike: Spiders & Meatloaf
If I had a super power it would be: To fly because: It would be fun and I would get to places quicker.
My perfect day would be to: Sleep in, go shopping,hang out with my friends & ride my rip-stic
I've been a Cheerleader for 2 years.
What I like about Cheerleading is: I'm always with my friends.
Interesting facts about me: I can do a backflip twist at gymnastics.

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